Most Improved Apprentice

All the team at Peninsular Scaffolding Ltd, would like to congratulate Rob Philips on receiving the most improved apprentice award from Simian.

Rob came on board as an apprentice scaffolder back in Autumn 2017. we have watched him grow and take his learning to the next level. after completing his apprenticeship last month, he is now the proud owner of a full scaffolding qualification. Congratulations Rob well done.

With out forgetting our other apprentices Sam Turton, James Dinsdale and Dominic Scarfe who have all completed there apprenticeships. We got great feed back from the staff at Simian and are pleased they all passed with flying colours. Big congratulations to you all, onwards and upwards!! well done.

The right solution engineered for your project

Peninsular Scaffolding Ltd
Welcomes All Enquiries


0151 356 1037
